

There are a lot of times when you are in a situation when you would want to tell the truth but it isn't the right time to tell the truth. As days would go on, you seemed to think you were alright and everything go on a straight line. There was nothing ahead on that road. You thought your secret could not be revealed. You thought your planned went so well that nobody seems to asked questions about it. But really, you just thought about it.

Honestly, if I were in that situation I would do the same. Keep the secret to myself. Told no one about it. And I would feel lonely everyday. The reason why people are here is because few of them are meant for us, to listen to us, to mentor us, to love us, and to understand us. I am sure there are a lot of these few people can do for us.

Do not underestimate the hands of God. If it is meant to be, it is meant to be. I for one would ask through prayer if this person is the right person to tell my sob stories. To tell my secrets and to tell my happiness.

I know not everyone will agree with me because you should leave some secrets to yourself. I agree to that. But a secret that is making you go down has to be told.

"Lose lips, sinks ships", only when you've said your stories to the wrong person. So how I can tell if this person is the right one? That's the power of prayer and the power to trust the person.

You know who that person is. Tell him or her. Two heads are better than one. Working by two is more fun.

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