
She's Gone Now

Judy's gone. Around 6:25am, Detroit, Michigan, Judy passed away. All that was left were memories of what Judy is to her family. Friends and family were there all the time so talk to her and tell her it is okey to let go now. I believe Judy will always be here in the hearts of those who loved her. I believe Judy never left. She's just somewhere and was given by God another special task.

I've cried even if she's not related to me. I can still remember how my mom died. It was a sad weekend for me but I have to be strong.

This week was all about reflections to me. I went back to the past looking for what I have done wrong and said sorry for the things I have done. Thanked people who had helped me get through. Now I understand life better. I linger to my understanding for the moment.

Thanks! Judy.

Please leave your comments and prayers for Judy. Thank you so much.

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