Today is your day, your mountain is waiting, so get on your way. Time to move on, time to forget
Life's Lessons 102
I am sure I made a post before and my post title is Lessons 101. This is part 2 and I'm gonna be quoting some people on twitter that has taught me somehow with their tweets. Most are out-of-the -moment tweets and the rest are conversations that I have with some tweeple.
DrBaher Perfection is not when there is no more to add, but no more to take away, I'm all for minimalism 10:34 AM April 03, 2008
spin I don't hate the conversation, just the people. After years of blogging, I gotta admit it doesn't surprise me the reluctance to open up. 05:48 PM March 31, 2008 Dayngr I think it's not enough 2 feel it at the moment. You have 2 take that & think, what can I learn from this? How can this help me go forward? 01:05 AM March 31, 2008 philcampbell i truly believe that if you allow your gut instinct to dictate where you head to go your number of social interactions improve in quality. 11:46 AM March 28, 2008 jesatiu Kramer: Colorful account of life in one of the world's oldest societies, modern man reads of the origins of his culture and...civilization." 01:10 AM March 20, 2008 AmandaMooney He also says, "The world we live in is a succession of fleeting moments, any one of which might say something significant." 10:16 PM March 18, 2008 royblumenthal@MarkMayhew And 'common sense' is a dangerous thing to cite, cos normally it masks one's embedded beliefs, rather than embedded truths. 10:03 AM March 18, 2008 Tojosan never let your feelings get in the way of treating others as humans 10:31 PM March 17, 2008 MsInformation A life online doesn't negate social contract. Why is it some can't see that? Do people behave badly online because they think otherwise? 10:28 PM March 17, 2008 guykawasaki @Hunee I have ASD: Attention Surplus Disorder. I am twittering, answering email, and adding to Alltop at once. 10:42 PM March 14, 2008 HotFish @ Hunee I think technology century. It might be web 3.5 by the time I die, ya know? :D 12:29 AM March 15, 2008 jjprojects That’s when you know you’ve found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence. 10:13 PM March 13, 2008 gapingvoid The better I get at understanding the future, the worse I think I am at understanding the future. 06:11 PM March 05, 2008 doshdosh Tells me what kind of person you are. I prefer people who say 'i don't know' instead of trying to lie about figures to sound like an expert. 06:43 PM March 03, 2008 1389@Hunee But it never comes around soon enough to get you out of whatever catastrophe the miscreants dumped on you! 05:29 PM March 02, 2008 Hunee “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.” 10:59 AM February 29, 2008 oriondarkwood Don't you hate people that tell you they are going to meet you somewhere at sometime, then never show and never call/email 06:59 PM February 28, 2008 Devyl@Hunee Many times we prepare for dangers that do not impose up on us, other times we simply work to no end. 04:45 AM February 28, 2008 alissa While I have always liked the scent of sawdust, it causes a bit of cognitive dissidence to have it accompany my coding. 11:29 AM February 28, 2008
quernzy a little inspiration on my starbucks cup: On the battlefield of ideas, winning requires moving toward the sound of the guns. 06:56 PM February 27, 2008 kboutelle So good to have true friends to talk to in times like this. Good to know the world isn't actually crumbling around me. Well, just me anyway. 09:27 PM February 27, 2008
These people, they got a big heart. Sometimes they don't talk to you but even when they don't you still learn something from them. The secret to make them talk to you, you @(name) them. You can follow everyone you want. Some will follow you back. Sooner, about 2% of those who follow you will decide to not follow you.
Some will be drinking beer, and at the other side of the world, some are drunk. Sometimes, they pissed you off, but if you are the typed who gets mad easily, then better not follow them. One thing I know, they are people like you. Weakness, strong points, good at something, and bad at this thing - looks like the same old imperfect human.
I was called anti-social once. I can still remember the line, "You're a geek! Check out your ass in front of the mirror and it's flat! You spend more time in front of the computer and you don't even exercise." I said, "Geeks are rich. I can get a surgeon and get my ass done. What about you? You need one, I can ask some people online to donate. They are very giving."
1 comment:
Hi Hunee. Thank you so much for the mention. I very much appreciate it.
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