Holy Week started with Palm Sunday. If you are able to remember the history, Palm Sunday or the Passion of Sunday, is the entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem. Then there's Maundy Thursday, which is the institution of Communion and the betrayal of Judas. This is the memorable washing of the feet. Then there is Good Friday, the day Jesus died. Black Saturday is the day Jesus rested in his grave. And Easter Sunday, time for Christians to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.
I spent my Holy Week at home with my Auntie, and two nephews with their Nannies. Talked to my dear friend Myrna for it is her birthday. Talked to someone special too over Yahoo Messenger. Read some books and watched Disney Channel 24 hours. Not to mention I did some thinking about my life. It is not your typical Holy Week isn't it? My unholy Holy Week indeed.
I don't think Holy Week is the only time to contemplate and ask for forgiveness. There maybe some of you who would think it is time to ask for forgiveness and be forgiven. I do believe that forgiving someone is not about waiting for the right time. It can be any day, as long as you know you have to forgive and you know when to ask forgiveness. Besides, Holy Week isn't all that. It is the time to think about your life too. I guess, forgiving doesn't only start with saying sorry to someone, also starts with reflecting what you did to yourself. In my past, my Theology teacher always tells us, "Christ lives in us." I guess, every time I hurt myself is also the time that I hurt others. I should acknowledge that part first before I can start forgiving those who have hurt me in return.
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