According to
@jacklhasa, I started the twitter family. I guess it started with
@Devyl telling me not to do this and that. One time,
@jesatiu mentioned he and
@Devyl talked about me one time. So I assumed they were talking about my sleepless days. That's the main thing why
@Devyl is so concerned about, that I might end up in the hospital. I drink too much coffee too.
@Devyl don't like that.
That's how it all started.
@jacklhasa joined the family during the time
@Devyl is giving me "Don't" statements. I said, "At least @jesatiu is not here to give me sermons again." And so
@jacklhasa became my older brother.
Recently, some family members just popped out of nowhere.
@Sorenj as the step dad, we call him 'Stepper'.
@SpencerC is the adopted brother, @jacklhasa called him Adoptee.
@scarab is step-brother, @sorenj's son with another woman (no name yet).
@yonderboy is the son of @jesatiu with another woman (no name again).
@Despil as the uncle, and
@ColleenCoplick as the Auntie. Last one, the sister-in-law
@bethanie (@yonderboy's girl)