"The reason why so many people never get anywhere in life is because when opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers."
- Walter P. Chrysler-
Today is your day, your mountain is waiting, so get on your way. Time to move on, time to forget
I am Popular Today

I got one question though, am I the only Filipino featured as popular on the tweeterboard? Just a question. :D
Caracoles Festival of Island Garden City of Samal
This is Island Garden City of Samal. The beaches are great. White sand, great for diving. It is one ferry boat ride from Davao City.
Caracoles Festival on April 28-29, 2008. Pictures were from the previous Caracoles Festival.
Great place for diving.

(Pictures are not mine)
Caracoles Festival on April 28-29, 2008. Pictures were from the previous Caracoles Festival.
Great place for diving.

(Pictures are not mine)
Are You Getting Better?
What have you done the past months?
Answer: I am trying not to think of my ex. I am trying to talk to as many people as possible so I won't think of him.
Why would you be doing that?
Answer: I am doing that because I can't imagine why he decide to lie to me. I don't care if I would have to know the truth, he can to tell it to me straight, but lying to hide the truth is not acceptable. I will get hurt in the process but I could have understand him better if he didn't lie and just tell me straight up.
Are you getting better with that decision to not think of your ex?
Answer: I am getting better. The more I talk to people, the more I learn from people. Also, it made me realize that my world revolves with this guy and was not able to really interact with others. I can be friends with my ex but I won't go further nor expect more. I just hope he is happy because the last talk was like he's not happy. He's giving up the fight and will just live life with what he have. I am getting better but to see him not getting better is another thing. The only sad thing about it is that you can't bring him up because his decisions are not your decisions. It is way beyond my control now.
Why are you asking yourself and answering the question at the same time?
Answer: I do this trick only when I don't know how to begin a paragraph. It is like asking myself in front of a mirror and I see my eyes of whether I tell the truth or not.
Answer: I am trying not to think of my ex. I am trying to talk to as many people as possible so I won't think of him.
Why would you be doing that?
Answer: I am doing that because I can't imagine why he decide to lie to me. I don't care if I would have to know the truth, he can to tell it to me straight, but lying to hide the truth is not acceptable. I will get hurt in the process but I could have understand him better if he didn't lie and just tell me straight up.
Are you getting better with that decision to not think of your ex?
Answer: I am getting better. The more I talk to people, the more I learn from people. Also, it made me realize that my world revolves with this guy and was not able to really interact with others. I can be friends with my ex but I won't go further nor expect more. I just hope he is happy because the last talk was like he's not happy. He's giving up the fight and will just live life with what he have. I am getting better but to see him not getting better is another thing. The only sad thing about it is that you can't bring him up because his decisions are not your decisions. It is way beyond my control now.
Why are you asking yourself and answering the question at the same time?
Answer: I do this trick only when I don't know how to begin a paragraph. It is like asking myself in front of a mirror and I see my eyes of whether I tell the truth or not.
Happy Birthday! Hunee

This is the story why I have two birth dates. The reason why April 20 is my birthday.
My real birthday should be April 25, but for some human typo error, the nurse in charge who made the report for the City Registrar typed April 20, 1980 instead of April 25, 1980. Although the birth copy that my mother received says I was born April 25, 1980 but the document was not stamped by the City Registrar so the document is not legal. The copy my mother have turned out not to be recognized and the purpose of that copy was to tell my mother that I am going to be registered with those informations on that paper.
I never thought there was an error since I normally celebrate on the 25th not until I applied for a degree on a university. The school asked for a Certified Copy from National Statistics Office and there I was laughing. Since then I have two birthdays. I tell you, it is so damn expensive to have two birthdays. I decided back then to use April 20 to be official since court says I can't change the numbers but I can change my name. I spent thousands for the court to take sides with me but the judge says I can change all the pertinent records I have to the 20th.
I have been celebrating my birthday on this day, April 20, for 10 years now. Although before I do get 2 celebrations for some people do come on the 25th and some new friends come on the 20th. Lucky for me now, my old friends are somewhere out there and can no longer come. They just mail me postcards and emails or e card or something. My new acquaintances normally asked me to go out for a dinner whenever they are free. Since we have work and some have families, I celebrate my birthday for the whole month of April. It is not that expensive now because 70% of the time, I don't pay for the dinner. Lucky me!
I love it when people are sending me postcards and I already have that album where I put all postcards in it from anywhere in the world. I am such a friendly person, and I do trust someone easily. For whoever you are that can't send me postcard leave me a birthday comment, I will appreciate it a lot. *Grins* :D
I Think I'm Gonna Get a Heart Attack
Ever since this leg is not working well, I suddenly felt pain in my left chest which tells me to go see the doctor. It is making me worried. I know that my leg problem is a nerve, can it cause blood clot and eventually lead to heart attack?
I am freaking every time I feel like my heart is about to explode. It is painful for a minute or so.
I am freaking every time I feel like my heart is about to explode. It is painful for a minute or so.
What I've Learned From Twitter Today
April 15, 2008
I know I started the day with a little taxi accident. I don't really have to write about it here because it's not that important. My morning with twitter was great. I think because I am beginning to made a connection with the people I follow and the people who followed me back. I guess they know who I am now.
Twitter can be for one's personal agenda, can be for business, can be for fun, can be anything I guess. You can define your own twitter page. For me, twitter is more of discovering the world through social networking. Sometimes I don't agree with tweets but I do respect those tweets as long as they give a valid reason. Although sometimes, I can't react to a tweet without reading the archive pages of the person concern for I might react in a wrong way or might send tweets that are not correlated with what is the topic. I am also aware that you can ask the person, but because I came from Asia, 80% of the time, they don't give me back answers. Since day one, I am so good with saying good morning and giving hugs. I am good at it, may it be online or offline. There are times I love to just be the constant twitter voyeur for I know when I stop sending tweets, I can learn from someone.
I was a voyeur today. I learned something from @amandachapel and @Despil conversation. Honestly, 60% of me wants to react and take the side of @Despil but that would be bias. I follow @Despil and not @amandachapel. Since twitter does not take away my choices, I choose not to follow @amandachapel. I respect her but I think my world of views against her world of views is entirely different. I respect her because that's what makes her @amandachapel.
I also want to follow the conversations of @markdavidson and @cameronreilly but the latter says he has to work. I admire @markdavidson. He asked for some proofs. I also respect @cameronreilly for saying what's on his mind. I can't take sides again for I was not able to dig deeper how and why @cameronreilly post that tweet.
It was definitely an unusual Tuesday. Hope it will be like this tomorrow.
I know I started the day with a little taxi accident. I don't really have to write about it here because it's not that important. My morning with twitter was great. I think because I am beginning to made a connection with the people I follow and the people who followed me back. I guess they know who I am now.
Twitter can be for one's personal agenda, can be for business, can be for fun, can be anything I guess. You can define your own twitter page. For me, twitter is more of discovering the world through social networking. Sometimes I don't agree with tweets but I do respect those tweets as long as they give a valid reason. Although sometimes, I can't react to a tweet without reading the archive pages of the person concern for I might react in a wrong way or might send tweets that are not correlated with what is the topic. I am also aware that you can ask the person, but because I came from Asia, 80% of the time, they don't give me back answers. Since day one, I am so good with saying good morning and giving hugs. I am good at it, may it be online or offline. There are times I love to just be the constant twitter voyeur for I know when I stop sending tweets, I can learn from someone.
I was a voyeur today. I learned something from @amandachapel and @Despil conversation. Honestly, 60% of me wants to react and take the side of @Despil but that would be bias. I follow @Despil and not @amandachapel. Since twitter does not take away my choices, I choose not to follow @amandachapel. I respect her but I think my world of views against her world of views is entirely different. I respect her because that's what makes her @amandachapel.
I also want to follow the conversations of @markdavidson and @cameronreilly but the latter says he has to work. I admire @markdavidson. He asked for some proofs. I also respect @cameronreilly for saying what's on his mind. I can't take sides again for I was not able to dig deeper how and why @cameronreilly post that tweet.
It was definitely an unusual Tuesday. Hope it will be like this tomorrow.
What is it like to be a child?
The more my country tries to get itself progressive the more kids I see on the streets digging trashcans finding things to sell to a junk shop.
I wasn't born rich but sure is I can consider myself rich now since I was able to finish college and although it ain't my sweat who paid for every semesters I enrolled to that university, I was taught and brought up the right way. But what about kids these days? They are supposed to be in school but they're not in school. They need to help both of their working parents to earn more money for the whole family to at least eat three times a day.
Read more about the article that made me ponder early morning of April 15, 2008. Click here.
I wasn't born rich but sure is I can consider myself rich now since I was able to finish college and although it ain't my sweat who paid for every semesters I enrolled to that university, I was taught and brought up the right way. But what about kids these days? They are supposed to be in school but they're not in school. They need to help both of their working parents to earn more money for the whole family to at least eat three times a day.
Read more about the article that made me ponder early morning of April 15, 2008. Click here.
I'm Missing Dad
It is time to talk about family. I don't have husband nor a kid to spend time with. I do have a Dad that I haven't talk to for a long time now. I called him this morning because I was reminded by someone who said a phrase like this, "spending Friday night with my family." I haven't spend a night with Dad since last year. I haven't had any dinner with him since last year. We have few lunch together. When I go to Dad's place, I normally just sleep on his bed and after 3 hours I would probably be heading back to where I live now.
Am I really that bad? I'm not a good daughter, am I?
Am I really that bad? I'm not a good daughter, am I?
One Great Beauty

(Photos courtesy of Matt Hollingsworth
More photos from Matt on Flickr)
I can not explain why
I couldn't even wonder how.
In a world ruled by human insanity,
there stood one great beauty.
One beautiful spring day
I await for thou petals to bloom
perchance half has been prevailed
Amazing mornings again
Wakes old chords of childlike memories
Running on the green grasses
smell of nature's perfume
Bees will be singing again
I Fly

More Photos from Matt on Flickr)
I take the courage to do it.
I swallowed my fear of not reaching it.
I summoned my strength to go for it.
I spread my faith to Thy Greatness.
I got distracted with other elements.
I got pulled down with my weakness.
I lost a feather or two with my wrong turn.
I humbled down and asked forgiveness.
I am ready to take another shot.
I am good, I know because He loved me.
I know I can because He said so.
I lift up all burden in me to Thee.
I fly.
Birthday Countdown
It'll be my birthday soon. Make a guess of when is my birthday and you'll get a gift from me.
Cheerful lady online
The jolly person for real
Sweet girl
Smart ass babe
Geek chick
Traveling guru
Outdoor enthusiast
Loving person
(What else can you say about me?)
Cheerful lady online
The jolly person for real
Sweet girl
Smart ass babe
Geek chick
Traveling guru
Outdoor enthusiast
Loving person
(What else can you say about me?)
I am definitely cheerful, I don't like fake but I do respect you if you want space. I am sweet, smart and very deadly when you try to mess up with me. I love technology but I am way not so much in love with it. I still got too many things to learn about technology. I love to give hugs and smacks. I do love to travel and take pictures. Outdoor is the best, you can see the other persons real attitude and how she or he deals with life. Very much loving and I don't keep hate in my heart. - Hunee
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