
Lechon Hamonada

It was a student's birthday last July 1 and she brought food back to Davao from Mati. She was thinking of bringing the whole Lechon but then the skin will not be that crunchy when you have to wait 2 more days before going back to the city. She turned it into Lechon Hamonada.

I wanted to eat an early lunch and maybe buy one cup of rice and pair it with two salted egg. That I pictured to be perfect lunch on a hot Saturday. That was yummy! I have to pass that dream when this student came in with 3 Tupperwares full of some stuff and asking me at my table, "Did everyone eat lunch?". I answered her back, "No mam." "Ok! Great. I have food."

That time on that was the best lunch ever. I know I had some but it was so heavy. Thank God it was for free.

Oh! Gosh. I didn't take pictures. Damn gurl!

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