
The Comfort Zone

Define the phrase "comfort zone". According to LifeHack.Org:

Over time, we all gather a set of constricting habits around us—ones that trap us in a zone of supposed comfort, well below what our potential would allow us to attain. Pretty soon, such habits slip below the level of our consciousness, but they still determine what we think that we can and cannot do—and what we cannot even bring ourselves to try. As long as you let these habits rule you, you’ll be stuck in a rut.

Nobody is born with a manual for itself for the his or her life. Everyone makes creates a so called sanctuary wherein we all experience some comfort. A comfort zone can be your house or your daily habit. They say if you do one habit everyday for 26 days you will be hooked to it.

Even if we are told many times that we have committed a mistake, each one of us must make up our own way for that is life. As a boss we can not tell our subordinate to do this because it will help her. We need to mess up sometimes and it is nothing to be scared about. Things happen if it is bound to happen. A lot of people suffer anxiety at work only because they are scared to leave their comfort zone. A lot of people would be so brave enough only because they've found comfort from someone who they think will defend them or help them in times when waters are high.

You know what's the good thing about being told by the truth, it makes you mad and it opens your eyes that this is the truth. You could no longer bring it back but at least the very consolation that you can give yourself is to give yourself a chance to hear what is true and grow up.

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