The older generation of Filipinos find blogging or a blogger, someone that has no Filipino values. I heard it from someone close to me saying it does not makes sense because you are telling the whole world of what kind of person you are. Values is something that really matter to us. Caring matters to me as well as my freedom of speech.
Filipino Bloggers does not write a post when he or she does not have any basis or reference to it. We write what is in our minds because that is our opinion but it does not change who we are. Now going back to blogging as a right or privilege post that I made, which is a comment also to Blogie's post. Blogging is responsible writing, it is a right for anyone who would want to use their freedom of speech right. Blogging is responsible writing, it is a privilege for everyone but the purpose is not to hurt anyone. The freedom and right in blogging does not give license to everyone to just type without careful thinking.
For future bloggers, read other blogs and learn their format before you start typing.
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