Today is your day, your mountain is waiting, so get on your way. Time to move on, time to forget
How do People Get Paid When They Do Blogging?
(Davao Setting)
1. Electricity - 1,000 a month
2. Internet Usage - 999 a month
3. Computer or Equipment Depreciation - 100 a month
4. Hours spent - 4 hours no income (not so productive hours)
Total = 2,099 monthly
8,000 monthly income - 2,099 expenses (for internet surfing) = 5,001 gross income (because I have to pay taxes and SSS and Philhealth and Pag-ibig Contribution)
I would spend 26% of my salary on internet usage alone. Imagine that as a big spender. I don't spend much time shopping but I am actually like shopping every pay day.
A lot of Filipinos are thinking of ways on how to earn extra. I do hope I am helping you through this post.
Using your very own internet connection and your computer at home, you can earn extra through blogging. Create your account with Blogger or with Wordpress. You can join BlogRush or PayperPost service. Join Google Adsense or at least browse and read blogs that offers help on how to monetize your blog online.
It is not simple. It took me 3 months to study and do research on my own. Remember, there is no harm in trying.
I got BlogRush in my Blog Vein

For those who wants to try it register here.
My All Time Favorite Song
This is for my cousin Marjorie! And for my Teddy Bear
Could it be that the lady is me in this photograph
I'm afraid coz it feels so good and I want it too bad
It's just not true couldn't asked for any more than you
Because you looked at me as though I'm beautiful
Could it be that you want me?
I never dreamed someone like you could want someone like me.
I'm not sure that the more that it's real the more it's a lie?
Oh one lie is it though we've been lovers all of our life
There must be a god could it be that he's heard me now
Because you looked at me as though I'm beautiful
Could it be the lady is me?
I never dreamed someone like you could want someone like me.
All the pain and the pleasure so seem it goes so fast
I'm the girl with the strawberry hair in the photograph
So come on lets dance... Let me have it while I have a chance
Coz there's another world where there are other girls
But tonight there's only me
I never dreamed someone like you could want someone like me.
How do You Make Big Bucks?

Are you Robert Kayosaki? or Bill Gates? or Juan Tamad?
Whoever you want to be like, I wanna know how you make big bucks. Did you earn that millions through your fathers bank account? You were the only son so when he died he left everything to you. Did you earn that millions because you trick 100 people to join multilevel marketing? Did you worked for 50 years to earn that millions? Or all of what I've just written were old school technique?
My friend says, he has been to blogging since last year. He have adsense in all his blogs but he did not earn anything. What could have happened? I started blogging last May 2007 and recently have adsense in my blog and I got 1.33$. What did I do? Honestly, I don't know.
Do you know? Share some tips on how to make money online. Post it here. Would love to hear from you.
Transcription for Employees Who are Stressed-Out from Too Much Multi-Tasking
OBJECTIVE: She is a well-nourished, well-developed, Asian female in no acute distress. She appears somewhat sad and tearful. HEENT: Tympanic membranes were clear bilaterally. Throat was clear. Neck was supple. Lungs: Clear to auscultation. Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm without murmur. Abdomen: Soft and diffusely tender to a mild degree.
1. Stressed out.
2. Not happy.
3. Constipation.
4. Needs a new job.
1. Go out this Saturday.
2. Do whatever you want to do
3. Follow up previous job applications with employers.
4. Try your luck to more companies.
Sunday Cravings
I would like to sleep the whole day but my mind doesn't want to, although your body wants to be lazy.
I got up, few minutes of walking outside then I get back took a shower, dressed then off to the market. Bought some stuff, go back home and cook food. I ate then I sat outside thinking what to do next. Then my stomach wants some fruits. I couldn't find that fruit. Now, I am in front of a computer making my next post.
What do you do during Sunday?
A New Discovery: French-English Dictionary
I have tried writing in French just like in Italian. Just don't let me speak those languages just make me write. I have a twisted tongue and I can not really speak right. You can ask me to talk in English instead.
L'étude des autres langues ne signifie pas négliger vos propres. Je suis un Philippin et je parle et écris dans le Philippin. Je suis juste fasciné avec d'autres langues. J'aimerais apprendre comment parler tous mais je sais que je ne pourrais pas pour ce moment ainsi j'accrocherai dessus et essayer d'écrire et si je sais trop déjà peut-être demandez à quelqu'un de m'enseigner.
Pour comprendre une mieux autre personne avec une autre langue, j'ai pensé qu'il vaudrait mieux de comprendre leur langue d'abord de sorte que vous puissiez communiquer.
Est-ce que je l'ai bien écrite en français ? Ou est-ce que je devrais dire, vous me comprends ?
Est-ce que je suis allant mieux ?
Un Grido Grande Fuori A Fedele!
Hey! Tutto in Mybloglog ed in Blogger. Se scrivete qualcosa nel vostro blog, se o non state scrivendo circa la vita, i vostri amici o un soggetto principale, non importa finchè lo scrivete con il vostro cuore.
Per quanto riguarda Fedele, mantengalo in su.
La Passione Rifornisce La Vostra Anima Di combustibile
Tanti di noi di sogno da transformarsi in che cosa abbiamo desiderato nella vita. Una persona desidera diventare grande nel gioco del calcio. Uno desidera stare bene ad un artista grande. Uno desidera transformarsi in in un grande in qualcosa che vogliano sempre.
La passione rifornisce la vostra anima di combustibile. Se amate il calcio e se vi esercitate nel calcio almeno lle ore quotidiane e 7 di 3 ore ogni fine settimana, sono abbastanza sicuro voi sarò grande nel calcio. Se non è calcio allora qualcosa amereste fare la vostra intera vita.
Una cosa è sicura comunque, non tutti noi può fare che cosa desideriamo subito. Dobbiamo aspettare il giusto momento di farla. Come viaggiare, non possiamo viaggiare se non abbiamo soldi. Se nel calcio, non possiamo giocare il calcio se spendiamo la maggior parte del momento nell'ufficio di guadagnare. Risparmi alcuni dei vostri soldi e faccia che cosa amate durante 5 o 10 anni.
Buona fortuna a tutti noi! Annoti che cosa desiderate fare. _ lasci un commento questo alberino.
I am Joining the Mindanao Blogger Summit
I am a resident of Davao and I am supporting the summit.
I wanna join the Mindanao Blogger Summit.
1st Mindanao Bloggers Summit Sponsors:
6th Mindanao ICT Congress
On an article posted by Jason Banico:
After 5 years of conducting the MICT Congress, why is it that the people behind it are especially noisier this year? Monchito Ibrahim, of the Commission on ICT, answers this succinctly: Mindanao, aside from being the food basket of the nation, is now recognized as a viable source of skilled I.T. workers. However, there are serious challenges that are hampering the island economy from realizing its full potential. The conduct of the 6th MICT Congress is based upon addressing these challenges.
Increasingly we are faced with the specter of globalization. The playing field is at a much higher level now, and if we remain reluctant to forge ahead, we are in danger of losing out to more aggressive and single-minded competitors. One of which is China. This nominally Communist nation has apparently embraced capitalism, seemingly without much reservation. We see now that their sheer population size alone poses a threat to our ability to excel in the global arena. For example, some parts of China receive a hundredfold more I.T. outsourcing projects from Japan than we do.
Mindanao, led by Davao City and Cagayan de Oro City, stands a fighting chance. We do have highly-skilled and I.T. professionals, as well as a supply of trainable personnel. A good number of whom, unfortunately, are no longer within our borders. That’s one problem: brain drain. Another is this: How steady will this manpower supply be 5, 10 years hence? Is our educational infrastructure coping with the changing technologies? Are our schools adapting their curricula to meet the stringent requirements of I.T. companies?
This issue is involved, to say the least, but it is not yet moot. There will be no quick fixes for this industry-academe situation, but working towards the solution must be begun immediately. Fortunately, we have a working model upon which to build and improve: the MICT itself, and the synergies that have successfully sprung up only this year.
Join the fun this year. Click here to see the fast facts about the congress.
What's a Brand?
What is a brand? I have been talking about marketing for the last post that I made (credit goes to Jay Conrad Levinson, author of "Guerrilla Marketing") and it made me realize I wasn't talking about what is really a brand.
I've read on Seth's Blog:
I think it is the product of two things:
[Prediction of what to expect] times [emotional power of that expectation].
If I encounter a brand and I don't know what it means or does, it has zero power. If I have an expectation of what an organization will do for me, but I don't care about that, no power.
Fedex is a powerful brand because you always get what you expect, and the relief you get from their consistency is high.
AT&T is a weak brand because you almost never get what you expect, because they do so many different things and because the value of what they create has little emotional resonance (it sure used to though, when they did one thing, they did it perfectly and they were the only ones who could connect you).
It says the brand has power because it answers your expectation. Was it that difficult? Not at all! You think of yourself as a customer, here you inquire in a bank of what are the requirements of opening an account. The person at the new accounts said that you need picture, ID and the opening deposit. She didn't smile at all. So here you are expecting that the staff and employees would be friendly. This was actually my experience. When I opened that account the only thing I knew is that I am opening an account with this money on hand. I do not know their policy so I was expecting it will be explained to me. I know that there are a lot of other customers to attend to but I felt I am not important and neither are the rest of us in that bank. Everyone is busy doing something and all the times they were not smiling.
My impression of a bank if that I will let them keep my money and I will have to trust them not just the name of the company. If they will commit mistake I will lose my trust with them, which they did they put it all my deposit into another account name and it made me mad. Trust not just with the staff that is operating the branch but to the name of the company. They did not make their promise so why do I have to trust them the second time around.
A brand is living to what you are telling your clients who you are. Giving them what you expect.
Dunkin Donuts: My Own Experience
First thing you've noticed is the spelling of the "Medium" sized soft drink. Instead of "medium" they spell it "madium". Well of course it is wrong, and in marketing one of the crucial mistakes is when you commit mistakes and you know that it can easily be seen by the eye. A company's brand and image not only lies on the good choice of name but on the place you are situated, the choice of words and how you write it. There are a lot to consider but in Dunkin Donuts' sake, a simple mistake in spelling turns out to be a bad image for them. Aside from the lack of good customer service, and a clean place to eat, Dunkin Donuts has not made any corrections on that spelling and for me, it brings down their credibility.
As a marketing person, my first goal when I get to the office is to take a look at how clean the lobby is. This is the first place at MTC Academy that clients will take a look at. Second to that is if everyone is putting a smile on their faces. Third to that is making sure marketing collaterals such as flyers, brochures, tapraulins and others are clean. Even if the words are checked before they are printed I keep on reading them.
I wonder, how come Dunkin Donuts is still around? Well, they make good donuts. What do you think? Write down your comments, it will be a great thing to share not just to me but to others as well.

Walking Marketer
If given the chance I would like to ask for a car so that I can use the car whenever I would do follow up and courtesy calls to my clients. Unfortunately, even a taxi ride, my company can afford it but due to cut budget, I am only allowed to use the jeepney ride.
During my first days at this company, I am so tired. Bloody hell! An 8 hours of sleep is not enough for a 5 hours marketing adventure everyday.
I love my job. It keep me updated, alert, and energetic all the time. I am a walking marketer. I don't care. Walking keep me in shape too. This is how I do my guerrilla marketing.
What about you? Are you a walking marketer like me?
Getting Creativity on Paper
I do get the problem sometimes. Before it is hard because I have to create a cartoon out of nothing. I have to select only those that can be used and most of the times, the pictures that I got from the Internet is a picture of so many background and so many other things included which is not going to be included in my lay-out. As a lay-out artist, I have to cut those parts that are not included. Sometimes, you couldn't get a better picture because the file is too small. In that case, you got to make a picture in your own.
I hate it when I am disappointed and the reason I am disappointed because of myself and no other than me. It is the worst part of being a one-man department. You go with your creativity but in the end you are not contented.
It is part of marketing though, but at the end of the day, I am quite happy how things worked out. It only mean I am capable of doing more things as to the usual that I do. Creative does not stop of thinking, but to be able to write it down and to even lay it out to impress your boss is needed. Marketing is action. What are you going to do when you are given this, do you move or you just stare at it and dream about it?
Let's Make Up Some Numbers
In the book of 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader by John Maxwell, one of the characteristics a person should have is Positive Attitude. If you believe you can, you can.
In the industry I am in, the medical transcription industry, it is not about the guts to learn how to type or if I am required to go back to a training school, it is about earning for a living. In this industry there is no discrimination, no age limit, irregardless of what is your educational background, you can be hired. If you know how to speak and write in English, teachable, committed and a person who wants to earn big in less than 5 years as a home-based medical transcriptionist.
Let us make up some numbers here. We mumble on there is no work available for us, government is not doing their part. Ask yourself, do I need to change? I would love to hear your side. Leave your comments.
Career Orientation at Holy Cross of Davao College
They were of different course majors in college. Almost all are graduating, and wishing they can start their own business after college.
Most people think after college is going to be smooth. That's what I thought back then. It is quite difficult in real life. Few of college graduates were able to understand this situation.
Since you are not graduating yet, enjoy every moment left because one thing is sure about all this, it will never be repeated again.
Good luck everyone.
Rate this Book: " Guerilla Marketing" Part 2
Traditional marketing identifies the heavy weapons of marketing: radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, direct mail, and the Internet. Guerrilla marketing identifies two hundred weapons of marketing and many of them are free.
It is not that hard to find time to search what are those freebies that we can get outside without spending too much money on marketing our products or services. The author kept on saying be creative. Think of what is outside the box and how you can do that? Imagine yourself as the customer, and think of ways to suggest to give a better service or improve the product. Entrepreneurs right now does not mean owning a business of two or more. Entrepreneurs right now only has 2-3 employees maximizing time to built a name or a service that would stand and perhaps give a lasting impression that this idea of an entrepreneur will work. In order to do that, you got to arm yourself with inexpensive materials of marketing.
Paying Tribute to the September 11

It was still fresh in my mind when I was watching a late night show and then they station has to stopped it because there was a breaking news. The news was an airplane hit the world known World Trade Center.
It was shocking to see that happened. It was all sudden. Nobody expected it to happen. Then a few minutes the second plane hit the other building. Now causing it to rumble down to the ground.
I would like to give a big shout out to all of those who died saving some people's lives. Those who are buried down, and to those whom after has helped the families of the departed. It was indeed to show that no matter how hard times are, and even if it wasn't your family on that building, hundreds or even thousands of firefighters and policemen and women tried to helped. For those who helped without asking something in return.
I would like to hear your shout out. Post it in. It would best to let them know that we care even if we are not part of their country.
This time I am not going to say God Bless America, but I would rather say God Bless the People who helped wholeheartedly.
Rate this Book: "Guerilla Marketing" by: Jay Conrad Levinson
Take this one:
Marketing is every bit of contact your company has with anyone in the outside world. Every bit of contact. That means a lot of marketing opportunities. It does not mean investing a lot of money.
The author is right on that part. Yes, it is every bit of a contact. How do you make him a market if he's not welcome to the idea you are selling. The author said:
The first time a man looks at an ad, he doesn't see it.
The second time, he doesn't notice it.
The third time, he is conscious of its existence.
The fourth time, he faintly remembers having seen it.
The fifth time, he reads the ad.
Marketing is not-to-ever-quit-system. I say this book is a very good book and I recommend this to everyone who is losing faith with their job or their business. Don't mind his examples just get the energy the author has put on to this book.
I'll give you updates on this book. Meanwhile if you have some questions about what the author say about the traditional marketing and the guerrilla marketing, post your questions and comments. I would love to read them
How Long Have You Been Blogging?
Blogging has help me a lot. It helped me think and battle with what is on my mind. Forget about grammar for a second, consider verbalizing what your thoughts are.
So how long have you been blogging? I am 27 and I have been blogging for 4 months now. How about you? Answer the poll.
How Much Do You Spend Time for Blogging?
Blogging for me again is writing down what is on my mind. I wish to stick to my definition but I have to consider others feelings too. One day I kept on writing and writing and then there was a reaction. I do not personally want to attack them but in their end they think I was talking about them. Yeah, yeah it is true, one thing is sure for me though I did not mention any name.
Anyway, that was long time ago. Here I am asking you; how much do you spend time for blogging? No matter how long you stay and read my blog, the question is are you getting something from it? I would love to hear from you. Write down your comments.
Are You A Marketing Assistant that Needs HELP?
From the very beginning I started I already admitted I NEED HELP on this. I go through books and articles to keep my mind awake and alive on what to do and how to do it. Especially when I need to build a brand and keeping that brand in the minds of clients and prospects. Then my next job is if it's on the minds of the clients I need to keep the MTC brand on the clients top list. So that's how the story will go and will still go on and on, repeating everything and adjusting everything I have done and embracing a new idea on how it should be done.
Are you a marketing assistant the needs help? One website that I like reading the most is They got a lot of articles for different topics and I have an idea that these people that who's writing on bnet are mostly marketing people.
Bnet people led me to another website where I got this new idea of Interactive Marketing from Clients and prospects love it when they get to try it. Done are the days of orienting people, but don't just push that behind, it is the era wherein people would like to try the product hands on. What is your industry? Do you want to share about it? Leave a comment
Need Help in Getting the Job that Pays A Lot? Find the Time to Get Back to School
In my j0b as a marketing assistant, I go to schools and conduct career orientation on the medical transcription industry. When I was at this school, the orientation was conducted for the Business Administration Graduating Students, these soon-to-be-graduates assumes they can have their business after college. I don't blame them that's how schools taught us to think which is really right.
First thing you should do is find a job that will help you raise up the money. The next question to that is how can you raise such funds when you are earning the minimum wage and it is just enough to get you through the 15 days.
So you made a plan. Save now and do business later. The next question again, how long?
Some with enough savings thought of getting a masteral degree. Others apply for work outside. Others worked for an industry that is not really in line with their course.
My point is find a time to go back to school wherein it does not cost you that much and you are sure that you can get a job after. Whatever course that be, make it a point that you are no longer wasting your time and money on something that you will have to wait for years before you can get a decent income. That's my point of view, what's your point of view? Leave your comments.
People criticized for the best of us. Either it can be so soft like most Filipino would say, "Huwag naman masyadong obvious." or it can be straight to the point.
Here what I got from that offers seven (7) tips in dealing with criticism.
One suggestion on that article was to put a smile on your face. I am having a hard time doing that but it is worth a try. How do you handle criticism? I would love to hear your side. Leave a comment.
Love it. Hate it. Dump it.
There are a lot of people interested in medical transcription but they don't want to pursue the course. Why? Only because they've been to college once and they'd vow not to go back again. Correct me if I am wrong, but they think going back to a training facility once more is a sign that you are in school again. They would wanna try it but they can't afford to lose time and money once more for an unclear future in the industry.
A lot would say, you'll never know if you try, or to see is to believe. What is there to believe for when you don't believe in yourself? What is there to try for when you do not try it yourself?
Well I guess it is human nature when you wanted to have something but you don't want to go through it the hard way. You would want it as easy as possible. Another one said, try not to feed him with a fish let him catch his own fish. How do you do that? Move people!
You got to make the first step. Even if you are in the medical transcription industry or not you got to make the first move to get what you want.
Unending Quest
If I have to start traveling by thinking where to go first, I would say plages. Beach is a nice place but where will I go.
Je suis né dans un pays tropical et tout que je peux penser à un endroit pour aller à est la plage. Pourquoi est-ce que je ne peux pas penser à un certain endroit qui est froid ?
My quest, but how can I start when I don't think right? I guess I have to pick up bits and pieces on the floor.
Nobody moves! I lost my brain - Jack Sparrow "Pirates of the Carribean"
I hope I will be ok until my next blog.
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